Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA)

In person in Boulder and online throughout CO & FL


Do you feel broken inside?

Do you find yourself always feeling on edge and being over responsible?

Do you often discount your own needs as being unimportant and focus on keeping other people happy?

Do you quickly attach to people, often the wrong ones who need “fixing?”

Do you crave closeness but keep people at arm’s length?



You may not have any issues with substances like your parents did, but growing up with an addicted parent (or two) shaped how you view yourself and everyone around you. Adults who grow up with addiction in the home often deeply desire love but have a really hard time finding and maintaining it.

In therapy, we can work on healing the attachment wounds and building the loving and supportive relationships you deserve.

Therapy can help you:

  • Heal the attachment wounds from childhood

  • Feel empowered to stand up for yourself and confidently let people who aren’t a good fit go from your life

  • Develop healthy coping strategies to deal with the negative feelings that come up in your day to day life

  • Stop people-pleasing and hold your boundaries

  • Allow yourself to connect because you know you’ve found the right fit people who love and adore you

Learn how to ditch the people-pleasing and build healthy relationships



Common questions about attachment therapy

  • EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. The way it works is we mimic the rapid eye movement experienced during REM sleep to help reprocess traumatic memories and store them in a healthier way in the brain. You’ll still remember the events that happened, but EMDR can make the memories less emotionally charged.

  • That’s completely fine! Some people choose not to do it at all, or combine it with other modalities, like talk therapy or DBT. We’ll create a treatment plan that works for you

  • Great question! It’s hard to say because people and their circumstances are so unique. Trauma treatment can last anywhere from a few months to a year or two. A lot will depend on the nature of the traumatic experiences and how you’re feeling.

  • That’s completely ok! Memory issues are very common in people who have experienced trauma. You don’t need to remember specific details (or much of anything) about what happened in order to heal from it.

  • These are traumatic experiences that occur as a result of childhood neglect/abuse and/or in the context of some kind of significant relationship. This type of trauma is different than something like a car accident or losing your home in a fire. How it impacts the individual varies from one person to another.